If you like psychedelic poetry or beat poetry from L.A., then check out,

“Psychodrama # Zero because it is Rock and Roll Poetry from a real, actual L.A. psychedelic band and they can sound like the Doors or The Beatles if the Beatles were crossing Abbey Road and anyone needed a light. This is the ultimate psychedelic beat band in L.A.

Zebra Valance Records Presents the psychedelic poetry of Robin Reda from The Electric Marmalade’s soundtrack to your lava lamp, “Voyage Through the Lava Lamp”


Psychodrama #Zero

Words and Music by Robin Reda, copyright 2006, Plastic Fish Publishing


We are a fading fish slime, rooting between bookends.

With gill rot we seep, past the broken b-film, bottles cracked on the oozing curb.

This fish-eye vision of us in tailspin is dripping from a crack in the wall of candy yesterdays.

Our reasons for being are floating around the room,

and dripping from the walls of flavor-gloom.


For thirsty night, sits, chained like an angry boar, sweating at the ears,

inches from our ice tea, hands from the burning stove.

We can flop about for a minute.

We can paint the room round and be reflective in it.

–at zero.


Check it out the soundtrack by clicking the pick

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